Thursday, January 3, 2008

New Restaurants in Winchester VA

With the new year comes new business to the Winchester VA area. No place is growing faster than Rt 522 North near James Wood Highschool. Not only do they now have a huge mini-mall that includes a Martin's and various other businesses but the county now has its own Mcdonalds and Quiznos right beside each other.

Fredreick County has had a nice growth spurt in the last year. Not only is 522 growing but Rt. 50 now has the only Applebees around and the signs for the upcoming Sonic are now posted. Downtown a new place called Winchester THAI should be open by summer and I will keep you up to date on that. On the south side of town there will be a TGI Fridays opening near the new Circuit City. As soon as the spots are open all of their information will be posted on



1 comment: said...

awesome blog. Keep the updates coming